Lebanon & Syria The End
Friday, 1 January 2010 It was difficult to wake to the day, the New Year with [...] conscious heavy pain in my heart. Starting a new year...
Hello World!
Travelogueress.blogspot.com has moved here where I will be sharing with you my adventures, experiences and observations from all corners and continents of the Planet Earth.
Even though travel is no longer a luxury, all borders are open to almost everyone and distances are much shorter; you may simply chose to enjoy the ride through my eyes as well.
So thanks in advance for tuning in! Please remember that I always welcome your feedback.
Guest writers and bloggers who would like to bring attention to the individual case needs of children, elderly, animals and environmental issues in all and often remote corners of the world are welcome to visit the page GET HEARD to find out more about the feature selection criteria and contact me.
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