Within the cyber world, I call myself Travelogueress as I have been travelling all over the world since I was a toddler. My blog came to fruition in 2010 (travelogueress.blogspot.com) in an attempt to organise my travel memories, very personal accounts and notes, mainly for my children. I am now trying to tidy up my blog on this website. If my travel experiences inspire you in any way I certainly would be even happier.
I also would like to make use of this platform for guest writers and bloggers who would like to bring attention to the individual case needs of children, elderly, animals and environmental issues in all and often remote corners of the world. If you would like your story about the particular plight of the above mentioned to be featured, please visit the page GET HEARD to find out more about the selection criteria and contact me.
Should you wish you take a look at my travel photography gallery and purchase fine art prints, please visit